
3 of 3: Customer-centricity is embedded at every step of our employee life-cycle


  • Does our careers website and job adverts align with our brand and our mission to be customer-centric?
  • Do we have clarity on how the values and competencies that we want to hire align with our customer vision and values?

  • Hiring

  • Do we have standard interview questions to bring out customer-centricity?
  • Do our interviews include information about our brand and customer vision to help interviewees decide whether our organisation is the right one for them?
  • Is alignment with the customer vision and values a key element of our hiring criteria?

  • Induction

  • Does our induction bring to life our desired customer experience?
  • Do we have our leaders share the why?
  • Do our leaders share their experience in leading in a customer-centric way, consistent with our brand?
  • Do we cover off the rituals in our organisation to keep customers at the heart of your everyday decision making?
  • Do new hires spend time in our channels, hearing what’s most important to our customers?
  • Do we share stories about how our customer experience makes a meaningful difference in our customers’ lives?
  • Does our leaders’ induction equip leaders to inspire and mentor their team, and bring to life the desired customer experience everyday?

  • Leaving

  • Do we actively celebrate people’s contribution when it’s time for them to leave?
  • Do we learn from their experience and advice to help us improve the ways to work together to support the delivery of our customer vision, aligned with our values?