At Connections, we work alongside organisations to guide them towards becoming more efficient and more capable of adapting to today’s ever-changing environment.
We help organisations utilise process management & Lean thinking to improve customer and business outcomes.

Every organisation is different – with diffferent strengths and culture. We tailor our approach to what will work best in your organisation. For this reason, no two engagements are the same.

A potential approach can include:

  • Define desired strategic outcomes
  • Convert into key performance outcome and key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Understand performance drivers and processes that deliver the performance outcomes
  • Prioritise processes based upon impact on performance outcomes
  • Using Lean Methodology measure current performance to understand baseline and opportunity to improve
  • Map current process from an end to end outcome perspective
  • Form a cross-functional team to identify improvement opportunities utilising Lean structured problem solving techniques
  • Prioritise improvements and implement changes using Lean Change Management practices
  • Identify Lean process governance and process management roles & responsibilities
  • Implement process management measurement based upon Lean Methodology and regular reporting of key performance indicators and key supporting measures, including visual management of performance
  • Define and implement process management governance meetings focussed on continued improvement of process performance


Building the capability of your people to continually improve the process outcomes using Lean Thinking and process management

We also assist our New Zealand and overseas clients to design and deliver how they will build capability within their people to continually improve their process outcomes.

Our work in this area is personalised to each client so we deliver a solution that will produce sustained results.

A potential approach can include:

  • Understand customer requirements from a Customer Centric Design and Lean perspective
  • Develop high level design
  • Define detailed business design
  • Plan implementation
  • Deliver prioritised implementation actions

Some of the key areas to be considered when developing your design:

  • Support model, centralised or decentralised capability
  • Business Improvement methodology(s) to be utilised, e.g. Lean, Lean 6 Sigma, Customer Centric Design/ Human Centered Design
  • Leadership & Governance model
  • Change approach
  • Prioritisation approach of improvement activity
  • Guiding principles providing direction utilising Lean Methodology, Process Management and Customer Centric Design/ Human Centered Design
  • Measurement framework utilising Lean Methodology, Process Management
  • Diversity of thinking styles (HBDI)

Business improvement does not just happen. You need to be clear on what you want and then put some structure and energy into changing the way you do things. Only then will you start to see sustainable change.