
This checklist is designed to help identify areas to work on to embed a customer-centric culture. Each organisation is different so this checklist includes thought-starters to help cover off all the areas that should be considered when developing a culture programme. The areas of focus are divided into three priority areas to help build momentum quickly.

Upon the completion of this checklist you will end up with a list of actionpoints.

1 of 3: Clear customer-centric direction that’s led from the top

Socialisation – the why

  • Do our leaders believe that our customer vision is most important and will be achieved by putting people first?
  • Do our leaders have a range of stories to bring to life our customer vision?
  • Do our leaders feel equipped and confident to weave the “why” into their everyday conversations

  • Leadership

  • Do our leaders actively inspire their teams to achieve the customer vision?
  • Do our leaders align with our organisation’s values and bring them to life?
  • Do our leaders role model the desired customer experience internally, aligned with values?
  • Do our leaders truly trust their team and empower them to create customer-centric solutions?
  • Do our leaders prioritise time with their teams to:
    • Learn from them what decisions are required to further support the customer vision, and
    • Mentor them to achieve higher levels of performance?
  • Do our leaders help actively break down organisation silos?
  • Do our leaders feel confident to fulfil their leadership role?
  • Do our middle leaders feel equipped with clarity of vision, empowerment, and resources to deliver the customer vision with their teams?
  • Do we have an aligned view across our leadership team on the behaviours that won’t be tolerated in our customer-centric organisation? Are our leaders putting this into practice?

  • Communications

  • Do we have an established framework to make it easy to consistently communicate our customer vision e.g. Customer Promises?
  • Do we have an ongoing communications programme to bring to life the customer vision?
  • Does our programme have significant focus on breaking down organisation silos?
  • Are our customer priorities interwoven into other internal communications?
  • Have we checked that all existing internal communications vehicles align with our customer vision – do some need to stop?

  • Decision making

  • Have we agreed (and communicated) clear criteria to ensure that our work aligns with our customer vision? Are we clear about when we’d make an exception, so this too is consistent?
  • Does our decision-making framework e.g. delegated authorities support and empower teams to deliver our customer vision?
  • Is delivering our customer vision prioritised in our programme / business planning prioritisation forums?
  • Do our governance gates ensure that only work that aligns with our vision will get through (unless part of our exception criteria)?
  • Do we have governance in place to create, share, sequence and track the customer initiatives occurring across our organisation?